Giving Up vs. Moving On


Giving Up vs. Moving On

“Quitters never prosper,” “Don’t quit,” and “Keep going,” are all sayings and quotes that many of us live by. It’s almost as if they serve as figurative reserve fuel tanks for our physical bodies in those moments we face the most challenging circumstances. But my question to each of you is, when is enough simply enough?

In life there may come a point where all available remedies have been exhausted. It’s in these moments that your true resolve is tested. At this point do you search for a magical unicorn to make possible the unthinkable? Do you seek answers and inspiration from family, friends, or a higher power? Or do you go back to the drawing board to access your original strategies?

As we notice throughout our respective journeys, most of us can agree that with maturity comes wisdom. Well I suggest that true wisdom recognizes a DEAD END sign when one lies ahead. Giving up is equal to simply being inactive by lying down in instances where one notices a dead end, but moving on is an active action thus it is something completely different. Moving on takes the understanding to detect that it is time to turn around and seek a new path.

Whether a business venture, personal relationship, business relationship, or personal goal sometimes we have to set our pride aside and try something new. I’ve heard that doing the same thing over and over while expecting the same result is insanity, which leads me to believe that doing a new thing while expecting a different result is intelligence.

Unlike giving up, there is growth in moving on. For example, if you have found that your new years resolution is extremely hard to maintain due to logistics, don’t give up just move on! Consider new ways to come to the same results and look into other avenues for a similar type of personal growth.

It’s true, never give up, but never fear moving on.

– Naive Scholar-

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